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 The Unincorporated Man

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2 posters
Private - 1.3
Private - 1.3

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The Unincorporated Man Empty
PostSubject: The Unincorporated Man   The Unincorporated Man Icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 6:40 pm

The Unincorporated Man by Dani Kollin & Eytan Kollin


A brilliant industrialist named Justin Cord awakes from a 300-year
cryonic suspension into a world that has accepted an extreme form of
market capitalism. It's a world in which humans themselves have become
incorporated and most people no longer own a majority of themselves.
Justin Cord is now the last free man in the human race - owned by
no one and owning no one.

I really enjoyed this book, one of the best sci-fi books I've read in a long time. If you enjoy smart sci-fi, this is the book for you. The economics of this world that Justin Cord awakes in is fascinating to say the least. People start out with shares of themselves, sell shares to pay for college, houses, ect., then spend the rest of their lives trying to regain majority control over their lives. Justin does not like this, and evades all attempts for his incorporation.

The sequel, The Unincorporated War, was recently released, I have yet to pick up my copy but hope to soon.
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Private First Class - 1.3
Private First Class - 1.3

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Join date : 2010-01-02

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PostSubject: Re: The Unincorporated Man   The Unincorporated Man Icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 11:35 pm

Woah. Didn't expect to find a book review section.

Except for the cryonic suspension part, is this really science fiction? Sounds a lot like reality to me. Given how the average household is in almost perpetual debt. Sure we don't sell shares of ourselves, but that's only a technical difference.
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Private - 1.3

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PostSubject: Re: The Unincorporated Man   The Unincorporated Man Icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 12:46 am

LOL, I agree, it is still very sci-fi, in the world he wakes to life expectancy is almost immortal, some of the main characters are 200+ years old due to medical advances. There's a cool line after they thaw Justin where the guy says "Cancer huh? Can you believe that used to be fatal". lol
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PostSubject: Re: The Unincorporated Man   The Unincorporated Man Icon_minitime

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